Thursday 29 May 2014

New Blog Design

Hey Lovelies, hope your all having a great day. I wanted to change up my blog and so I decided to have a new blog design, I had my old design for quite a while so I thought it was time to have a change.
 My blog was designed by the lovely Sarah, she has her own great blog, that you should go check out.

She made the design to exactly how I wanted it and she listened and was so helpful about the design. If you want a blog design then you should go talk to her she will do an amazing job that you won't be disappointed in.

I'm hopeless at blog designs so I'm extremely grateful and appreciative to Sarah for doing the blog design for me.

Sarah did the blog design quickly and to an amazing standard, so I would really recommend her if you want a new design.

Thank you again Sarah for doing the blog design.

Here's links to Sarah's blog, twitter, design site and Etsy store if you want to get in touch for a blog design.

This is just a quick post to let you know about Sarah's amazing work and if you want a blog design.


  1. It looks lovely!


  2. It looks amazing! Sarah has done such a great job x


  3. It looks beautiful! Suits you down to a t! :)
    Lou Barker xo

  4. She did an amazing job it looks so fresh and wonderful! x
